Wednesday 16 September 2015

6 Clever Ways to Get Influencers to Link to You

Content markiting in India


One of the most important things I say you should do is create great content.
But then what?
If you don’t do anything with that content, no one will see it, which is a waste of your time, effort, and money.
Once you start using promotional techniques, you’ll start getting readers to your blog posts.
A few dozen at first, then a few hundred, maybe even a few thousand after a while.
But there’s one thing missing at this point. I’ll tell you what it is in a second.
From my experience, I can tell that organic search traffic is going to play a major role for almost all websites.
You can try to diversify, but the fact remains that any site with a ton of traffic gets a large chunk of it from search engines. After all, organic search traffic makes up over 60% of the traffic on the web. 

Do you want more traffic?

Hey, I'm Neil Patel. I’m determined to make a business in your city successful. My only question is, will it be yours?

Demystifying SEO: How to Skyrocket Your Traffic Through Schema Markup

seo traffic
Good writers always write for their visitors, not for search engines.
Actually, that’s not quite true…
At the dawn of SEO, you did have to write for the search engines. The primitive search engines could only evaluate the relevance of your content to the query by the number of times the searched keyword was mentioned in the content.
By simply including the keyword as many times as possible, you’d rank well.
Obviously, search engines have evolved since then.
With Google’s updates in the past few years, it’s become clear that keyword stuffing no longer helps you rank (in fact, it hurts you).
Now, Google looks at several on-page factors to determine a page’s relevancy.
The new advice for content writers is: write for your visitors, and let Google worry about the rest.
It’s not bad advice. In fact, that’s what the writer should do. However, SEOs can, and often should, optimize that content further.
Even if you write all your content yourself, you need to play the parts of both the writer and the SEO.
How can you optimize your content further?
One main way, that is heavily underutilized, is through microdata  [click to continue…]

What’s in Your SEO Arsenal? 6 Skills All SEOs Need to Have

There’s no university degree for SEO.
Yet, you’re expected to know a lot about many different things. This is why it’s so tough to define what a great SEO is.
In most professional situations, knowing SEO alone is no longer enough. You also need to have your fair share of marketing, business, and PR skills.
While some of these skills are luxuries, I’ve identified six things that all good SEOs need to possess.
Great ones will possess all of them and more. SEO is an interesting field because it can use skills from all sorts of other fields.
So, if you’re passionate about something that doesn’t seem immediately relevant to SEO (discussed in this article), don’t just throw it away. You never know when it will come in handy. 

By : Neil Pate

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