Sunday 20 September 2015

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Cross Platform Mobile Application Development

Before the advent of Cross platform mobile application development tools, it was the reign of Native applications in the areas of web development and mobile applications development.

Native applications, work the best on the platform for which they have been developed and can be harnessed to bring the results when required. But when the applications need to work across multiple platforms and devices, different set of code needs to be written and maintained for different operating systems. Maintaining enterprise applications and apps can become a challenge for every platform with increased time, QA efforts and costs.
Cross Platform Application Development

Cross platform mobile application development solves these issues to a large extent. With technologies like HTML5, cross platform mobile app development has now become possible. Applications and solutions developed in cross platform technologies provide similar user experiences and ensure a wider reach. They promote the use of newer technologies keeping the development costs drastically low as compared to developing individual applications for each platform.

HTML5, JQuery, and CSS3 are the most standardized development technologies which are software and hardware independent, for cross platform development. Like any other technology, the pros and cons, the advantages and disadvantages of this methodology need to be weighed.

Advantages of Cross Platform Mobile Application Development

Faster Development and Deployment Cycles

  • It is always faster and easier to develop a cross platform mobile app rather than a native app for individual platforms
  • A single code thus developed increases the speed of development as the teams do not need to develop an app for every platform from scratch

Drastic Reduction in Costs

  • The costs reduce dramatically if the rollout of any cross platform system is done with proper thought
  • Development and deployment on multiple operating systems is easier and less cumbersome
  • Updates to the software can be easily implemented across platforms without carrying out the exercise for various platforms

A Wider Audience Reached

  • The reach of the mobile apps and the solutions increase dramatically when developed using cross platform techniques
  • It goes without saying that when most widely used operating systems and the platforms are catered to, the audience and its loyalty is assured

Uniform UI/UX

  • User Experience is the most important consideration for apps and software today
  • A uniform UX across platforms and devices pitches the application on a very positive note
  • The UI/UX are assured to remain uniform for every update and are easy to sync as well

Searchable Contents

  • The contents on HTML 5 and generated by other cross platform mobile application development tools can be crawled and indexed by search engines
  • The chances of them being discovered by people searching on the internet are very high
  • This increases the accessibility of the app tremendously

Disadvantages of Cross Platform Mobile Application Development

Uniform but Compromised User Experience

  • Native apps are developed for a specific platform, they can easily interact with various features of the operating system
  • Cross platform mobile app development has the disadvantage of losing out on special functionalities of native app development
  • The User Experience is uniform but compromised

Loss of Security

  • Native application are more secure as they use native frameworks and APIs
  • Those developed as Cross Platform mobile apps stand a chance of security issues and breaches

Challenges for the Development Teams

  • The development teams have different Tools and Languages to master
  • Platform Integration has to be done meticulously
  • Cloud Storage and Availing Cloud Services has to be generalized into one platform after insightful deliberations
  • Integrating the apps with different local settings, preferences and notifications apps is a big challenge for cross platform mobile application development tools

Loss of Nativity

  • The uniqueness and specialties of individual platforms are lost
  • The special features of each versatile operating system cannot be availed when cross platform applications are used

Popular Cross platform tools in 2015

  • PhoneGap
  • Appcelerator
  • Xamarin
  • Sencha

Cross platform Development: To Be or Not to Be?

It is in fact an endless debate and development teams  need to analyze and take this tricky decision very objectively.

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Wednesday 16 September 2015

6 Clever Ways to Get Influencers to Link to You

Content markiting in India


One of the most important things I say you should do is create great content.
But then what?
If you don’t do anything with that content, no one will see it, which is a waste of your time, effort, and money.
Once you start using promotional techniques, you’ll start getting readers to your blog posts.
A few dozen at first, then a few hundred, maybe even a few thousand after a while.
But there’s one thing missing at this point. I’ll tell you what it is in a second.
From my experience, I can tell that organic search traffic is going to play a major role for almost all websites.
You can try to diversify, but the fact remains that any site with a ton of traffic gets a large chunk of it from search engines. After all, organic search traffic makes up over 60% of the traffic on the web. 

Do you want more traffic?

Hey, I'm Neil Patel. I’m determined to make a business in your city successful. My only question is, will it be yours?

Demystifying SEO: How to Skyrocket Your Traffic Through Schema Markup

seo traffic
Good writers always write for their visitors, not for search engines.
Actually, that’s not quite true…
At the dawn of SEO, you did have to write for the search engines. The primitive search engines could only evaluate the relevance of your content to the query by the number of times the searched keyword was mentioned in the content.
By simply including the keyword as many times as possible, you’d rank well.
Obviously, search engines have evolved since then.
With Google’s updates in the past few years, it’s become clear that keyword stuffing no longer helps you rank (in fact, it hurts you).
Now, Google looks at several on-page factors to determine a page’s relevancy.
The new advice for content writers is: write for your visitors, and let Google worry about the rest.
It’s not bad advice. In fact, that’s what the writer should do. However, SEOs can, and often should, optimize that content further.
Even if you write all your content yourself, you need to play the parts of both the writer and the SEO.
How can you optimize your content further?
One main way, that is heavily underutilized, is through microdata  [click to continue…]

What’s in Your SEO Arsenal? 6 Skills All SEOs Need to Have

There’s no university degree for SEO.
Yet, you’re expected to know a lot about many different things. This is why it’s so tough to define what a great SEO is.
In most professional situations, knowing SEO alone is no longer enough. You also need to have your fair share of marketing, business, and PR skills.
While some of these skills are luxuries, I’ve identified six things that all good SEOs need to possess.
Great ones will possess all of them and more. SEO is an interesting field because it can use skills from all sorts of other fields.
So, if you’re passionate about something that doesn’t seem immediately relevant to SEO (discussed in this article), don’t just throw it away. You never know when it will come in handy. 

By : Neil Pate

12 best web development blogs you should be reading right now

The more you actually create, the more you’ll learn. And since there are many developers out there who share their experience, it’s a hard game to follow all of them. Because of this, we collected the following resources and present you a list of 12 web development blogs worth reading.
web development blogs developers should read

1. Six Revisions

I wouldn’t call Six Revisions a classical web development blog anymore, rather than a major news site for developers. Six Revisions publishes practical and useful articles for web developers and designers as well. Articles are published on a regular basis every 2-5 day

2. Specky Boy

The Specky Boy blog calls itself a design magazine. Paul Andrew – the publisher of Specky Bloy – not only focuses on design resources, but also provides useful insights on the latest web technologies. Especially for front-end developers the blog is definitely a great source for staying up-to-date.
speckyboy web development blog for developers

3. WebResourcesDepot

WebResourcesDepot is a great web development blog offering new posts every day. Developers will definitely find some great content here. It’s definitely a blog to follow.
webresources depot web development blog for developers

4. DailyJS

DailyJS is a great blog when it comes to JavaScript frameworks. It publishes great news articles, tips and resources on a variety of JavaScript frameworks and modules. Also their twitter account @dailyjs is worth following.
dailyJS web development blog for developers

5.Smashing Magazine

Smashing Magazine is another well-known news site, which cannot be overlook. With new articles every other day it offers you great resources about HTML, CSS, JavaScript-related topics.
smashing magazine web development blog for developers

6.David Walsh

If you get yourself comfortable in the field of software development, you’ll definitely stumble upon the blog of David Walsh. You’ll find great articles about CSS, jQuery, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL and many more. Make sure to check out his web development blog.
david walsh blog  web development blog for developers

7. OnextraPixel

I guess OXP is more a web design blog rather than a web development blog. Nevertheless, it provides some really useful articles in the field of development too. Whether it’s an article about some useful HTML5 tips or a new jQuery library. You’ll definitely get some inspiring content.
one extra pixel blog web development blog for developers

8. Stoyan’s

A great blog worth mentioning is the personal blog from Stoyan Stefanov, who’s a Facebook engineer and the author of some really great books! It’s one of the best places to discover new articles, tools & frameworks.
stoyans blog web development blog for developers

9. Coding Horror

Coding Horror is a great blog resource from Jeff Atwood. It offers great insights in the developments of software engineering. You’ll get loads of great tips and resources from Jeff sharing his experiences.
coding horror blog web development blog for developers

10. Alex Sexton

The personal blog of Alex Sexton covers a broad variety of JavaScript related topics in a very plain and easy-to-understand way. You may also discover some new tools and trends on his blog which are waiting to be explored.
alex sexton web development blog for developers

11. Paul Irish

As a developer, Paul is well-known for creating tools that improve workflows and make life easier for other developers. He’s currently working on Google Chrome DevTools at Google. You can gather useful insights on his personal blog where he regularly publishes web dev related articles.
paul irish blog web development blog for developers

12. is an aspiring site publishing articles, tutorials, videos about AngularJS, node, JavaScript, Bootstrap and a lot more. It’s definitely a place to go when looking for some new inspiration or development resources. web development blog for developers

By :

Thursday 3 September 2015

5 Factors That Determine Cost of eCommerce Website Development In India

Web Development Company in India

Developing ecommerce website is not an easy task. You have to determine certain factors and of course, your budget. Read this post and know what factors determine the cost of eCommerce website development in India.
Cost of eCommerce Website Development
The cost of eCommerce website development in India determines on the level of complexity and many technology solutions. When deciding to start eCommerce business, it is essential to plan out what products/services you want to sell through your site.
eCommerce website must have some exceptional features apart from basic to make it more attractive. And, integration of such features and other factors decide price. Here, we have mentioned five important factors that give sketch of actual eCommerce web development price.

eCommerce Merchant Account

An eCommerce business will require a Merchant Account to receive credit card payments. Not to tie to the bank for a Merchant Account as its market is highly competitive.
Having a Merchant Account charges a percentage of each transaction. There are some Merchant Accounts that restrict the type of supplies sold.
Note: Ensure to have an eCommerce Merchant Account not a standard Merchant Account.

Hosting and Maintenance

Hosting is one of the important things you must have for your eCommerce site. The hosting charges depend on the type of hosting needed. It is advisable to ask suggestion from developer about hosting.

User Interface and Architecture

Ensure to develop eCommerce site that is easy to use by customers, customer service reps, administrators, manufacturers as well as designers.
Purchase template-based e-commerce sites can cost little amount that suited to your budget. Optionally, you can also go for enterprise-level all-in-one solutions and customized programming.

Customer Relationship Management

The cost of servicing customers by email, phone and online chat is also considered along with advertisement.
Additionally, you can also consider cost of collecting taxes, suppliers, managing inventory, and analyzing traffic to decide problem with converting visitors into customers.


Inviting unique visitors to your site is one type of marketing analysis. One can have to decide average Cost Per Visitor and on the basis of CPV of other similar e-commerce sites.
The best ways to decide the CPV is to see ads running when you conducting a Google Search for the product. Moreover, Google AdWords can also be used to estimate the CPV for keyword phrases.
eCommerce merchants have to pay money or time on marketing to see heavy traffic on their site. Running any promotional activity helps to establish brand and loyal customer base of repeat visitors.
Are you willing to develop eCommerce website by integrating all essential features?

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2 Best Web Designing Frameworks for 2014

Web Development India

2 Best Web Designing Frameworks for 2014
In this article, we will list 2 of the best CSS frameworks for web designers and web developers.

Bootstrap V3.2.0

Whether you want to design a personal portfolio, a business website or a shopping cart, Twitter Bootstrap’s flexible and responsive capabilities will come in handy in all cases. It’s more than just a mere set of CSS and JavaScript rules, Twitter Bootstrap has within it an inbuilt responsive powerhouse. With many new features added to the third version of Twitter Bootstrap, it has once again proven that it is here in the web industry for the long run.
The JavaScript components of Twitter Bootstrap help you to design sliders that can run in any kind of device. Components like Modals, Dropdown, ScrollSpy, Tab, Tooltips, Popovers and Carousels are some of the best things you will like about Twitter Bootstrap.

Foundation Framework v5


Foundation Framework by Zurb is one of the best frameworks for web designing with its version 5.0. With features similar to that of Twitter Bootstrap—and some significant enhancements—it is gaining popularity quite a bit.
Foundation framework has a 12 grid system similar to Twitter Bootstrap. It also provides reusable HTML components and JavaScript plug-ins in its package.
But unlike Twitter Bootstrap, Foundation has support for Sass stylesheets. You need to compile the Sass stylesheet, convert it into normal CSS files and then use them in your project. Adding Sass support makes it more customizable for designers who want to give that personal touch to the websites.
With features like Off Canvas and Improved form, it would be interesting to see web developers explore this framework to the most in 2014.

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